A Scriptural Foundation

These three stories have the number 10 in common. The Lord punished the Egyptians with 10 plagues, Moses received 10 commandments, and Jesus healed 10 lepers on his way to Jerusalem. These are just a few instances from the many times the sacred number 10 appears throughout the Bible. Why is the number 10 so significant, though? 

The Vow of Jacob

In the Bible the number ten symbolizes tithing. The first person to tithe was Jacob, after escaping his brother Esau, Jacob made a vow to give God a full tenth of what was given to him if God protected him and provided him with food and clothes on his journey (Gen. 28:22). So, why did Jacob choose ten?

Experience the True Power of Ten

In Hebrew the word for ten is עֶשֶׂר eser. This is closely linked to the word עשֶׁר osher meaning wealth. When you give a tenth, you are rewarded with true wealth – the love of God. As Jesus says, “Give, and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38). Enroll today in our live online Biblical Hebrew courses to fully experience the true power of ten.