Packing a punch with just one word

The word Hallelujah (הללויה) is a compound word, or two individual Hebrew words brought together: 

Hallelu(הללו) and “Yah(יה).

Hallelu” is a call to a group of people to praise someone or something. 

“Yah” is an abridged version of “YHVH” (יהוה) or Jehovah, the Lord’s most sacred name. 

When put together, these two words pack a big punch — it is an extremely concise exhortation which, in English, would be translated as: “Hey, everyone! Let’s praise the Lord!” In the original Hebrew you only need a single word to say all of this.

This is the reason why billions of faithful Jews and Christians from around the world, whatever their mother tongues, continue to pray using the sacred Hebrew word Hallelujah. So, what are you waiting for? Enroll today in our live online Biblical Hebrew courses so you will be able to proclaim Hallelujah in the very same way that David, the author of the Psalms, praised the Lord 3000 years ago.