The Mighty Lion of Israel

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  • The Most Dreaded Hunter

    In the days of the Bible, lions were the most feared predators that roamed the Land of Israel. The shepherds of ancient Israel were constantly on the lookout for lions attacking their defenseless flock. Only the most heroic fighters like Samson and David were able to slay a lion. So, it should come as no surprise that the Bible refers to lions as the greatest symbol of might and authority

    A Most Powerful Ruler

    The Bible mentions lions almost 200 times. Jacob ensured that Judah would be the ancestor of the kings of Israel by comparing him to a lion that has “gone up from the prey” (Genesis 49:9). King David was said to have the “heart of a lion” (2 Sam. 17:10). The lion is the preeminent symbol of royalty, so it is appropriate that the final book of the Bible depicts the triumphant messianic king as the “Lion of the tribe of Judah” (Rev. 5:5). 

    Discover the language of Judah

    Lions are so important in the Bible that Hebrew has six different words for lion: aryeh, lavi, kefir, layish, shahal, shahaz. Each refers to a different stage of the lion’s long life. However, the translation of these names makes no distinction because English only has the word “lion”. To truly understand the promised arrival of the Lion of Judah, return to the language of Judah, enroll today in our live online Biblical Hebrew course. 

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"Yes, I'm very satisfied, the teaching method is excellent and the teacher too"

Gritti Francis, France

"Absolutely love the course. It is challenging but in a good way. Very well structured. Shannon Schaffer is an excellent teacher and communicator and very patient."

Sarah Samules, USA

"I enjoy the multinational classrooms with Hebrew speaking teacher & his great sense of humour. Very skilled teaching."

Katrina Pacey, Australia

"It has been fun, good materials, excellent teacher and a learning environment!"

Chaffee Kurt, USA
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