The light of God

Illuminate your Biblical studies

  • God’s words of creation

    The first words uttered by God in the entire Bible are “let there be light” (Genesis 1:3). In the original Hebrew this phrase is yehi or (יְהִי אוֹר). The word yehi (יְהִי) - “let there be”- is a special term reserved for the creative power of the Lord. It also taken from God’s Hebrew name: Yahweh (יהוה). This implies humans cannot create with words. God, however, breaks the silence with this special word that is based on his own name.

    Throughout the Bible, the Hebrew word or (אור) “light” is a symbol for life, joy and deliverance, as the prophet Isaiah refers to God as “the Light of Israel [who] will become a fire” (Isa. 10:17). The Bible has existed for thousands of years, but it is only when you read it in Hebrew that you shed light on its real meaning. You already possess the raw materials of Scripture. Now you need to acquire the spotlight of Hebrew to illuminate the words. Enroll today in our live online Biblical Hebrew course. 

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