Our Certificate Program
Become an expert on the Bible


  • Israel +972

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With the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies, you will acquire powerful interpretive tools; linguistic, historical, and geographical, to gain access to the authentic world of the Bible.

“The Hebraic Context of the Bible” certificate program includes the following courses:

Biblical Hebrew A + Biblical Hebrew B

Build a solid Hebrew foundation for proficiency in reading prose  texts and get a better feel for the morphology of nouns and verbs. Vastly improve your ability to comprehend the Hebrew Scriptures.

Discovering the Hebrew Bible

Read the stories of the Hebrew Bible and re-discover the familiar biblical heroes. An effective guide for immersing oneself into the richness of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Exploring the Biblical Land of Israel

Place matters. The physical world of the Bible has always played a significant role in shaping the narratives of the Bible. Study beloved biblical stories from the perspective of the physical context of the Land of Israel, including: geography, history, archaeology, geology and climate.

Jewish Background of the New Testament

Significantly deepen your knowledge of ancient Judaism, which encompasses the theological, historical, linguistic and archaeological background of the New Testament. Acquire interpretive tools to better understand the relationship between the Old and New Testaments.

Our Professors:

Dr. Ohad Cohen Biblical Hebrew Academic Director
Julia Blum Jewish and Christian Studies Dept.
Jonathan A Lipnick, PHD Candidate Head of the Holy Land Studies Dept.
Judith Green, MA Biblical Greek Academic Director