A Connection to the Past

The history of stories throughout civilization is a magical thing. What a treat it is to travel 500 years back in time to discover compelling secrets about Jerusalem’s Ottoman Wall or any other holy site in Israel. What’s more amazing is how language not only shapes past events but also deepens our understanding of them, allowing us to connect to them. That language is Hebrew!

The power of Hebrew

Did you know that Hebrew, as an ancient language, cannot be fully translated into English without losing the important meaning of words that gets lost in translation? Given the Bible was originally written in Hebrew, every time you read yours in English, you are missing out on the essence of God’s intentions for your spiritual fulfillment. Let our Biblical Hebrew course help you uncover the secrets hidden in the Bible’s messages.

Are you ready to truly know your Bible?

Today can be the start of a rewarding spiritual journey by joining our online Biblical Hebrew classes. You’ll be guided by our passionate native Hebrew-speaking scholars as you’re introduced to the Hebrew alphabet. Soon you’ll be reading Bible verses with new insights while learning to interpret ancient texts. A lot remains to be uncovered about the history of the Bible’s stories. Would you like to know more?

Expand your Bible knowledge through the Israel Institute of Biblical Studies in cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Register for our affordable online course in Biblical Hebrew.